Master Plant Dieta in the Jungle - Peru
La Dieta is an integral part of the Amazonian healing tradition that has been used since time immemorial by healers/healers to not only heal with plants, but to learn from plants. Although the diet is practiced in some other South American countries and its practice of indigenous ancestral plant medicine, in Peru it has its deepest roots and its oldest and most widespread tradition.
There are hundreds of plants within this project that are known to be master teachers, master healers. Some are better known than others, some may have obvious psychoactive properties, others may not - but this is not an indicator of the potency or benefits that can be received from the plants.
Alonso Del Rio
Alonso del Río with 45 years of experience, lived for 13 years in the Amazon Jungle after training as a traditional healer under the guidance of Don Benito Arévalo, one of the most recognized Onaya Shipibo (healer), who died in 2005 at the age of 84. years.